Fender Bender repair advice needed

DeWitt Harrison six-rs at comcast.net
Tue Aug 14 22:15:53 EDT 2007

On Tue, 14 Aug 2007 16:49:10 -0400,
     SJ <syljay at optonline.net> wrote:

> > Maybe they are your friends across the street, but don't they have
> > insurance?
> > Huw Powell
> **** Yes, they do have insurance.
> I've already got two quotes for the repair.
> One quote was for $1500 using old parts.
> The other quote was for $3000 using new parts - if they can be found.
> If the repair costs more than the car is worth, how does the insurance
> handle this?
> I dont have collision insurance on this old car, just liability. My
> insurance company wont handle this. They said to contact the other
> insurance company.
> SJ

Nobody can 'total' your car if you are the injured party. It is the
responsibility of your neighbors 'to make you whole,' that is to put
things right as though the accident never happened to the limit of
their property damage liability which certainly must run into the
tens of thousands of dollars. If you make it clear to their insurance
company that that's what you want, you may be surprised by
how much they are willing to pay for your car. Worst case, it could
take a phone call from your lawyer to make them see the light but
see the light they will. P.S. Don't sign anything without lawyer ok
or until the body shop has been paid.

Keep 'er runnin!

DeWitt Harrison
'88 5kcstq

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