88 5kq hit by kid backing out of driveway

Chris Semple chris at force5auto.com
Wed Aug 22 09:34:44 EDT 2007

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of cobram at juno.com

It's evident you've never done this.  I have, not for myself, but a
stubborn meathead relative.  Took 4 years and a lot of patience
(courthouse is 2 blocks from my house.)  It's a fools errand, you won't
even see a judge most of the time, the magistrate or an arbitrator will
review it first, other party doesn't show, YOU have to hire a constable
to serve them, and it goes on, and on, and on.  I emailed a few of the
details to the original poster.  And even IF you get a judgement,
collecting starts a whole new process.  It's a lot of BS for what amounts
to chump change considering what you have to go through.

> Now lets think about my '88 5000CS TQ I still have
> Next year its considered a classic.
> In 6 years its considered a antique car.
> What does that do to the value?
> 2K 4K 6K

HEY, Chris Semple, I want my 1984 5KS you hauled away for free back!!
Evidently it was worth a whole lotta money because it's OLD.  Anything is
only worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it, the only reason
most of us are on this list is because Audi resale is abysmal, especially
so for the type 44's with the plethora of "quirks" they have.  Having a
type 44 totalled by the insurance company is the closest we'll ever get
to actually receiving book value for the car.

--Hah, check your fridge, it's doing double duty as the lid on the mayo and
the sixpack of your choice!

-Chris Semple
Concord NH
'93 E350 Club, 322k, worth 200$ in steel
   '84 4000q, 150k, worth what someone wants to give for it
      '04 F350 DRW, 60k, book value still has meaning

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