Battery issue

David Ullrich david.ullrich at
Fri Dec 7 07:26:16 PST 2007

The longer it sits in a discharged state, the less chance it will come back.
or more to the point, the more discharged the battery becomes, the less
likely it is to come back. Wet Cell batteries really dont like being
discharged below about 75-80%, but if kept between 90-100% charged, they
last damn near forever. Thats why they are still used for our car starting
batteries, cheap and long lived as long as the cars get driven frequently.

-Audiless for now :(

On 12/7/07, Max Hoepli <mhoepli at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I left the car standing for 3 weeks, went to start in -8C and cranked over
> slowly, never started, the radio alarm went off. Does it matter how long I
> leave the battery in this condition before getting battery hook-up? The 4
> year old battery is under back seat.
> Max
> 1986 type 44, turbo Quattro
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David G. Ullrich
Cavu Consulting
"Finally, Affordable Technology Help"

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