Bentley bad business practices for Audi 90 1993-95 CD version 1

Grant Lenahan glenahan at
Sat Dec 8 06:02:56 PST 2007

Brett -

I dont think that's reasonable.  Most products we buy dont  
spontaneously self-destruct.  They dont require yu to prove they are  
yours.  My baseball glove doesn't ask for an activation code.  A book  
- the CD's logical twin - doesn't.  In fact, most of my software  

Bentley made a product with a time bomb on purpose.

They make no effort to help out those that get caught.

I've been there and would NEVER buy an e-product from them.

On Dec 8, 2007, at 12:34 AM, Brett Dikeman wrote:

> On Dec 7, 2007, at 6:25 PM, jjs3rd at wrote:
>> Hate being taken advantage of especially from a company that I have
>> done business with over the past 25 years.
> You're not being "taken advantage of."
> All I see is someone who has grossly unreasonable expectations from
> old software and the company that made it.  Really, what obligations
> does Bentley have to ship you a free version of 5 year old software
> when you can't even prove you owned it in the first place?  Whose
> fault is it that you lost the CD?  Whose fault is it for not backing
> up that system that died?
> Brett
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