2.2 POWER Anyone !!

Ben Swann benswann at verizon.net
Tue Dec 11 07:33:23 PST 2007

Dave did a good job at mentioning the things that you can do to a JT/KX.  This is a
relatively low compression engine.  You would gain some power if you can raise the
compression too.  I’ve never done this with the KX/JT as the easiest thing was to
install the 2.3 l NG.  That would probably violate the rules you are constrained by, but
if you can go up .1 l then this would be the quickest way to add another 20+ HP and
commensurate torque too.

If you can bump the compression and add knock sensing, there is quite a bit more power
to be had, especially if the engine is balanced and running with lighter flywheel


[Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 21:47:21 EST
From: ECP4NOW at aol.com
Subject: 2.2 POWER Anyone !!
To: quattro at audifans.com
Message-ID: <bfa.179e4ea.348f5439 at aol.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

Hi Folks,
Anybody I need help to get the maximum power out of a normally apsirated  2.2
 5 cylinder, open to all suggestions.  Adding a turbo is not an  option.
I am thinking about building a 2.2 for the Targa Newfoundland...   non-turbo 
this car will run very competitively in Class 7 (Modern 1982 to 1990  Small
Displacement) I am hoping on running in the Non Modified sort of similar  to IT in SCCA
At any rate any suggestions on how to get the max power from this strong engine would be

[Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 08:11:50 -0500
From: "David Ullrich" <david.ullrich at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: 2.2 POWER Anyone !!
To: "quattro at audifans.com" <quattro at audifans.com>
	<f4c312c80712110511y648ca34fqdc27767ded4371d2 at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Just like any naturally aspirated engine, you aren't going to get tons of
power without switching to forced induction (turbo). But the 2.2ltr JT/KX
engine does respons nicely to some modifications. The first mod you should
do is advance the timing. If you run premium fuel all the time, you should
be able to advance the timing to at least 12*. First set it to 12* and go
for a drive. Do you hear any pinging? No? Try setting it to 14*, if you did
hear pinging, back it off to 12* and test drive again. Basically, you want
as much advance as possible without pinging. Other mods that will help: 272*
cam, 2.25" exhaust (with 4000 quattro downpipe if it is a Coupe GT), larger
throttlebody from the 2.3 NG/NF engine, port & polish, balance & blueprint,
lightened flywheel, etc. Basically you can do anything you can do on any
other NA engine. A properly modded 2.2 KX should get up to about 130-140 HP.

-Audiless for now]

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