towing and audis

Andrew Duane aduane at
Fri Dec 14 05:03:37 PST 2007

Da'Lan (from makes a line of hitches for various Audis. I had one for my '95 A6QA, and it was a perfectly engineered fit. IIRC, it carried 2000 lbs, with a tongue weight of 200. Perfectly adequate for small utility trailers and hauling stuff home from Home Depot and the like.

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at on behalf of TooManyAudis at
Sent: Fri 12/14/2007 12:21 AM
To: quattro at
Subject: towing and audis
Hey guys,
Just wondering if there is a trailer hitch out there that will work with my  
1988 Audi 80q?  We just picked up a small trailer at work and I'd rather  
spend a little money on my car for hauling small loads than spending larger  
amounts of money for a truck or SUV to tote this durned trailer around.
My business partner has an Explorer, so we'd use his SUV to tow larger  
loads, but there are plenty of times where we need to move just a few square  feet 
of flooring, and I'd like to use my car for such times.
As always, your insight is most valued.
-- Tom

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