Mediawiki syntax codes (was 'the 12 days of wiki')

Huw Powell audi at
Fri Dec 21 11:19:17 PST 2007

Grant Lenahan wrote:

> good crib sheet.

He left one off - to make a link to another wiki article, you put the 
article name in double square brackets like this:

[[timing belt]] - all case sensitive except for the first letter.

You can use the button that has an underlined "Ab" on it to do this, too.

To make a link on text that does not match the article title do this:

[[timing belt|cam timing off one tooth]] - shows the text after the 
"pipe" symbol, links to the article name before it.

>>>Really, honestly, theres no giberish to it. The only codes involved
>>>that you need are some equals signs to crate headings. Beyond that if
>>>you need italic or bold text you need some symbols, but it's all
>>>pretty damned easy.
>>What he said. I don't know of a Mediawiki editor to simplify things.
>>Googling didn't turn up much.
>>When you click on the "Edit" button of a Mediawiki page, it puts you
>>into a simple text editor. Then you need just a few "gibbers" to  
>>the gibberish. For example:
>>= Section 1 =			1 equal sign at each end
>>== Section 1.1 ==		2 equal signs
>>=== Section 1.1.1 ===		3 equal signs
>>== Section 2 ==			Mediawiki automatically generates
>>				a table of contents from these
>># numbered list item 1		pound (hash) sign,
>># item 2			with no blank lines between
>>* bulleted list			an asterisk,
>>* bulleted list			with no blank lines
>>''italics''			two single quotes at each end
>>'''bold'''			tripled single quotes at each end
>>				(4 single quotes gets you bold italics)	
>>[[Category:General repair]]	 put at the bottom of the page; it
>>				adds the page to the Categories page,
>>				so you can find it later
>>Advanced usage: to get nested bullets inside a numbered list, do this:
>># first numbered list item
>>#* bullet 1
>>#* bullet 2
>># 2nd numbered list item

Huw Powell

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