[Biturbos4] Lack of heat in B5 series car - any thoughts? (common problems, etc)

Grant Lenahan glenahan at vfemail.net
Mon Dec 24 07:23:54 PST 2007

Thanks Mark!

Happy Holidays.

I'll get out ye olde VAG-COM ( and let Al chase the codes)

On Dec 24, 2007, at 9:54 AM, Mark R wrote:

> Grant,
> We have a GLX (AWD, V6) as a company car for our VP (purchased  
> new).  Great value as it's a total Audi drivetrain.  The FWD  
> versions seem to have more differences (suspension, etc.).  Our  
> 2001 is about to get replaced.  It's been stellar, but it's around  
> 200K miles now!  My mother's BMW 330xi will likely become his new  
> car as she wants something bigger.
> The climate control head should be scannable with VAG-COM.  If  
> there's a stepper motor failure, it'll surely turn up there.  And  
> that's where you should start the diagnosis.
> When he changes the cabin air filter, it would be a good  
> opportunity to check for debris (leaves, dead rats) as well.
> Mark Rosenkrantz
> ('87 4KCSQ, '00 S4, and a bunch of other toys)
> On Dec 24, 2007 9:10 AM, Grant Lenahan <glenahan at vfemail.net> wrote:
> OK, its a Passat. and it isn't even mine.
> But a friend, who's a pretty fair mechanic, just bought a 2001 Passat
> for his son.  It should be very similar to B5 A4s and S4s in this
> regard, I assume.
> One problem is that the heat doesn't work - it blows stone cold air
> (I'm told).  They know the history of the car, and the owner says it
> was working normally one day, and totally gone the next. We suspect a
> mixture (cold/warm air) stepper motor died or a connection to it has
> a problem.  But i've not heard many complaints about this.
> Any wisdom? Common problems?  Things to check? Warnings?
> Thanks much,
> Grant
> ps: apologies if this arrived twice. It got caught in moderator
> approval land and never emerged - or not so I saw.
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