Shift into Neutral to save TO Bearing?
larrycleung at
Sun Dec 30 12:07:46 PST 2007
Glad I live where I'm not (nor are my neighbors) in as much of a hurry as
Dave at traffic lights, so I'm in neutral, clutch released. In more urban
situations, I will do as Dave does, when I see the light turning yellow on
the other side. And yes, there actually IS a traffic light where I live.
On 12/30/07, David Ullrich <david.ullrich at> wrote:
> I wanted to get other's opinions on this. When sitting at a stoplight,
> should a manual tranie be shifted into neutral and the clutch released or
> should it be left in 1st with the clutch FULLY depressed? I've never put
> my
> cars into neutral at lights, but have also heard others say I am putting
> extra wear on my throwout bearing causing premature wear. True? Untrue? A
> real problem? I've never had to replace a TO bearing before a car needed a
> full clutch job, but Ive only had one car that ever needed a new clutch
> and
> that car had over 225,000 miles. All of my other cars have gone over
> 150,000
> on the original clutch.
> --
> David G. Ullrich
> Audiless for now
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