MediaWiki (was: Ventilating the front left wheel well liner in a type 44)

Kent McLean kentmclean at
Sun Feb 4 11:50:12 EST 2007

Brett Dikeman wrote:
> I suggested moving it to the same software Wikipedia uses, converted a 
> few articles (by hand- some of them are in dire need of formatting 
> cleanup and such), and asked for help moving articles.  I got mostly 
> silence, so I dropped it.
> I'm willing to commit to at least several hours of editing some 
> weekend.  Anyone else?

I have authored a few articles, and I'm probably the best candidate
to modify them, so I'll volunteer. :)  I need a pointer to a page
describing MediaWiki syntax.

Is the new MediaWiki page being saved in the "old" Knowledgebase?

Can I do one page a night over a month, rather than try to convert
it all in a week-end?

I suggest we keep this discussion on-list, to help the curious
overcome their fears of adding to the KB.

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke

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