1.8t into older I-5 cars

Kevin Hoff kwhoff at gmail.com
Mon Feb 5 22:44:03 EST 2007

This statement: "There are a lot of the 1.8T swaps into the older VW's that
were quite a bit lighter, though." is where I was coming from with my
question.  I know you can get INSANE power out of the I-5 but it's a very
heavy motor, made worse by its location.

All due respect to the list but the basic balance of the 4kq is pretty
piggish (ie 60f/40r understeer city)  Obviously picking the right spring
rates can band-aid the balance but getting a LOT of weight off the front end
solves a big part of the problem at the cause.  I'm vaguely considering this
from a rally standpoint and from the cars I've rallycrossed and co-driven,
less weight is sooo much better in every way than more power.  A 250HP tune
with a 2500lb 1.8t 4kq would be a very VERY good regional rally car - tough,
spacious, and more than capable of running competitively with a regional
level open class 300HP Impreza.

--Kevin H.


	From: Tony Hoffman [mailto:auditony at gmail.com] 
	Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2007 10:36 PM
	To: Kevin Hoff
	Cc: Taka Mizutani; Alex Cagann; Q-list
	Subject: Re: 1.8t into older I-5 cars (was RE: generic A4 questions)
	There are a few conversions out there, mostly done a couple of years
ago. Here's the thing, the 2.22L has very similar power output without
taking either apart and completely going through them. So, why go through
the time and expense. The upper reliable limit according to most respected
tuners is 285HP from the 1.8T. There are a lot of the 1.8T swaps into the
older VW's that were quite a bit lighter, though. Now, the newer 2.0T,
	Tony Hoffman

	On 2/4/07, Kevin Hoff <kwhoff at gmail.com> wrote: 

		So all this talk about the 1.8t makes me curious about why
no one is
		swapping them into the older cars.  Is the bolt pattern
		incompatible?  Is it just too tall to fit under the hood on
cars that
		originally had the I-5?  The bolt pattern problem can be
solved easily but
		changing the motor to tilt isn't.
		--Kevin H.

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