Wheel web site

Eric Huppert dragracer at netstep.net
Wed Jan 3 12:06:51 EST 2007


Thanks for the reply... Not sure what I want, but the stock 20V BBS's need
refinished (clear coat) and they're not my favorite wheels anyway. PITA to
clean! Would most likely stay with 15's if I could find a set of the S4
winter wheels. Finish isn't a issue as I can redo them... Had put a feeler
out on the Audi fans "wanted", but nothing cheap or interesting came back!
(Mainly cheap!)

Had picked up a set of the 5 spoke 16"s for my old 10V, kind of like the way
they look. Besides, at the time I thought $200 for a set was decent.

20v's and UFO's change the possibilities!!!


PS: Still have that dead brake bomb (hate using that word in email) I was
supposed to send you for core use... Might have a offer on my house, so that
will force me to actually ship it!
  -----Original Message-----
  From: David Kase [mailto:davekase at pdqlocks.com]
  Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2007 11:55 AM
  To: Ed Kellock
  Cc: Eric Huppert; quattro at audifans.com; 200q20v
  Subject: Re: Wheel web site

  IF you get that picture and let me know what you want I may be able to get
a deal on them for you.  A neighbor of mine can order wheels through his
wheel repair business (paint repair only) and can have them drop shipped to
your address.

  Dave Kase

  Ed Kellock wrote:
Have you tried, 20v.org or the other S-car site... not s-cars.org?


On 1/3/07, Eric Huppert <dragracer at netstep.net> wrote:
  A while ago I had found a web site that listed all of the OE Audi wheels,
specs, pictures etc... Unable to find it now! Know I had saved it, but not
sure if it's one of the sites that "passed away". Had originally thought it
was Charlie Smiths site, but not seeing it there. Looking for some OE wheels
for my 200 20V and would like to further explore the OE possibilities!

Any clues?

thanks, Eric

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