98-01 4cyl turbo engines

mkb mkb125 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 8 13:10:09 EST 2007

Is it true that these engines are known for blowing up easily? 

Ok, I have a 97 18t so not sure what tweaks were made for 98+ engine years but can't have been that significant.  I bought mine with 71k miles on it and currently it has 130k miles in about 3 years of ownership.  I've kept up with the regular maintenance and have been using M1 5w-30 at about 3k-5k miles with the larger oil filter.  I haven't noticed any real issues.  I'm not a really aggressive driver and most of my driving is commuting to/from work.  I don't follow the warm up/cool down turbo technique mentioned by other listers here.

No issues to report with the engine here.  So far so good (knock on wood).

97 a4 18tqa

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