98-01 4cyl turbo engines

aaron... jungle at hickorytech.net
Mon Jan 8 14:36:59 EST 2007

$10 fan switch you say huh?   So which one is that?  The one in the 
radiator?   (pulling up car part website as we type! )    I wish I knew 
that  two months ago when I put my new radiator in.   One would also 
assume that if  they saw their water temp guage get much past the half 
way mark that they should pull over.

'98 A4 1.8tq w/ mtm KO4 @ 123,xxx miles......rebuilt head @ 105k due to 
snapped t.belt.

thejimrose wrote:
> " The latest one, a 98, just went last week, this one blew a head gasket and
> overheated."
> hmm.. usually they overheat, then blow the headgasket. because something
> stupid like the 10$ fan switch or thermostat failed. so how much of that is
> the motors fault?
> i have had several experienced audi vw mechanics and tuners  tell me the
> motors are "bulletproof"- barring of course it doesn't suffer the commonly
> known problems; sludge and tbelt tensioners seizing. and has been well
> looked after as far as maintenance, and parts quality. especially the early
> DBW motors - AEB specifically is known to be the stoutest of the 1.8's.
> also there are a lot of guys making a lot of boost / power with these cars,
> and the motors hold up fine. the turbo's will wear out, typically 80-100k
> from what ive seen /heard. my ko3 was shot at about 110k [smoking, shaft
> play, no power, sounded like a dentist drill] so i replaced it with a ko4
> and then turned up the boost from 8 to 18 psi. ive beeen driving it hard for
> 25k with no issues.
> mine does have a rebuilt head, PO didn't get to the tbelt in time, but when
> i had the VC off it looked pretty clean, aka more frequent oil changes and
> synthetic. however there are a LOT of 1.8t's out there so failures are bound
> to happen. and you hate to blame the victim but i would bet maintenance [or
> lack thereof] plays a factor in most of those.
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Aaron J. Jongbloedt
Sabis Educational Systems Network Administrator
It is better to wear out than it is to rust out.

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