NAC - Virus scanners

Robert Myers robert at
Fri Jan 12 14:17:31 EST 2007

I have already upgraded to 7.5 but it's looking like I misunderstood 
the notice.  Oh well, I suppose it's better to keep one's mouth shut 
and be thought a jackass than to open it and remove all possible 
doubt.  <Sigh.>

At 02:14 PM 1/12/2007, audiSean wrote:
>Hey, Bob, that's not completely true. You're most likely using AVG
>v7.1 which grisoft will no longer support as of 1/18/2007. What you
>need to do is upgrade to AVG v7.5 which continues to have a supported
>free version.
>On 1/12/07, Robert Myers <robert at> wrote:
>>Hi Y'all,
>>I've been using AVG antivirus software, AVGFree from
>>, for several years with quite satisfactory
>>results.  I am now getting notices that AVGFree will soon be NLA (to
>>be replaced with the paid version).  Does anyone have similar
>>satisfactory performance from another freeware virus scanner that
>>they can recommend to this confirmed cheapskate?
>Sean [99 A6 2.8q]

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