B at 5tard 200 TQA won't cold start again - a question about sparking plugs

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Wed Jan 17 10:57:41 EST 2007

woke up this mornin'
'twas cold outside.

the MC2 1989 200TQA decided not to start.
basically it floodded and wet the plugs although they were a bit sooty.
sounds like I need a tune up, although all of the ignition parts and
filters are new.
I have been using W7DTC's (maybe WR7s but that's not important here!)
I swapped the plugs for the old set of WR7DPs and it fired almost
straight away, with a bit of help from some jump leads and the 87 golf,
which is proving to be unstoppable and much fun when driven at 'maximum
attack!' (to be said with an heavy Finnish accent, à la Markku Alen).

Q1. what is the collective wisdom on plugs for 10v turbo 5s? copper or -
Q2. is there anything specific that would cause an MC2 to flood, during
cold start at -25 Centigrade (sorry, don't know what that is in 'old
fashioned' units)


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