NAC: Assistance with motorcycle needed in SE Virginia

John S. Lagnese jlagnese at
Wed Jan 17 21:19:16 EST 2007

That's the way I steer! What kind of riding will you be doing? Around town 
or for quick go for 4 cyl. Stop and go in city water cooled. Highway 2 cyl 
is good. I would say city is too dangerous, that's why my bike got sold. 
Highway is boring.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richard Sargent" <TurboQuattro at>
To: <quattro at>
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 5:29 PM
Subject: Re: NAC: Assistance with motorcycle needed in SE Virginia

> Take the riding course ASAP. I've seen posted today incorrect information 
> which could get you killed. It might have only been a typo, but you don't 
> know that.
> Countersteering is the most basic principle when it comes to riding a 
> motorcycle. It is counterintuitive, and most people don't understand it. 
> I've met riders who have been riding for years, and still don't know how 
> to steer. Here's a quote from an earlier post,
>    "... get a book - there are a lot of good techniques that you can learn
> from a book - like pushing on the outside footpeg when in a turn. or 
> pushing
> the outside bar when countersteering vs pulling the inside bar, stuff like
> that that can accelerate the learning curve."
> If you follow the advice of the above lister, you'll soon find yourself 
> crashing into oncoming cars and objects as you attempt to avoid them.
> To steer a motorcycle at speeds other than a walking pace, you must gently 
> push on the handlebar on the side of the direction you want to go. To turn 
> right, you push (gently) on the right bar. If you're already in a turn, 
> and you want (need) to turn more sharply, you must push harder on that 
> bar. Like I said, it's counterintuitive. I had been riding for two years 
> before I learned how to properly steer a motorcycle. I'm amazed that I'm 
> still here. Any listers who disagree with my instructions are politely 
> urged to try it for themselves before they respond.
> Please take the course before you do any riding, so you won't have to 
> unlearn bad habits.
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