type 89 speedo data information?

E. Roy Wendell IV erwendell at mac.com
Sat Jan 20 00:39:21 EST 2007

On Jan 19, 2007, at 6:36 PM, Huw Powell wrote:

> Doug Yoder wrote:
>> I *know* I've read this procedure somewhere before.... now where?
>> Ah, here it is! Chris Miller to the rescue again!
>> http://members.aol.com/c1j1miller/body.html#Spedometer/Odometer
> Excellent!
> So, I wired the speedo/odo unit up, 12v, ground, and a sine wave  
> around
> 200 Hz or so.  Brought up the voltage, and the speedo sprang to life.
> At this point, I could hear and feel the little stepper motor  
> thumping away.
> So I had to open the assembly up to see what was going on.
> Off comes the needle, two screws and off comes the dial, three more  
> and
> the "crystal" is off.
> Then I undid two more screws that hold the PCB/motor to the odometer
> body, and the tiny planetary gear that is driven by the motor has a
> couple of busted teeth.  Dang!
> So the only hope is to find a suitable replacement somewhere, somehow,
> or to actually *make* a new gear (good luck on that!).
> But at least I know what is wrong, and how to "correct" the odo if  
> I get
> it working.

No need to get creative. Just go here http://www.carradio.com/ 

Roy Wendell
erwendell at mac.com
Too many type 44 tq
A pair of MR2s

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