Waxy Anti-rust Spray-On?

Dan DiBiase d_dibiase at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 29 08:43:20 EST 2007

Max Wellhouse <maxjoyce at ipa.net> wrote: A business called "The Proper MG" also sells the Waxoyl stuff.  I 
found it hard to pressurize the pump can and spray it, but the 
product smells just like the carnuba wax you put on the painted 
surfaces.  Good luck


Avoid The Proper MG. They recently had a period where they were accepting money and orders but not delivering the orders. Several folks in the Broitish Car community lost $$$ there. They are supposedly 'under new management' but that remains to be seen. 
 Besides Moss Motors (www.mossmotors.com) you can purchase Waxoyl at The Little British Car Co (lbcarco.com) or JustBrits (justbrits.com). There are other vendors as well.
 Dan D
 '04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
 Plus some MGB's
 Central NJ USA

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