4kq subframe bushings + sunroof gasket

Grant Lenahan glenahan at vfemail.net
Mon Jul 2 20:42:36 EDT 2007

I always bought OEM rubber ones from my local trusted independent.

On Jul 2, 2007, at 1:39 PM, Nathan Ray wrote:

> I'm currently trying to source parts for a suspension rebuild and have  
> found
> good sources for everything I need except subframe bushings.  I'm not
> interested in the 034 aluminum ones and would prefer polyurethane.  I  
> can't
> even find a source for the stock rubber ones.  Does anybody know of a  
> source
> for these?
> Also, my sunroof gasket is shredded and I'd like to replace it.  The  
> part
> number is 321 877 209 A, I can't find it anywhere online.  Is there a  
> source
> for this or does somebody have some laying around I could buy?
> Thanks,
> Nate Ray
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