S6 no start

Grant Lenahan glenahan at vfemail.net
Wed Jul 4 09:21:35 EDT 2007

Ignition switch?
Intermittent coil (pack?)
intermittent fuel pump?

On Jul 4, 2007, at 12:22 AM, DGraber460 at aol.com wrote:

> Help! Today my 95 S6 threw me a bit of a curve.
> I ran an errand from work about 3 miles (not even fully warm). When I 
> came
> out of the store about 10-15 minutes later the car would crank and 
> crank but no
>  fire. All the electrics worked fine. I jiggled every wire I could 
> reach -
> no joy. Fiddled in the trunk a few minutes to see if I had any tools I 
> could
> use  to diagnose. No luck. Tried to start again - no joy. Sat and 
> waited a few
> minutes trying to think clearly and less emotionally to decide a  
> course of
> action. Tried it again and voila- fired up, and subsequently  started 
> the 4
> remaining times to get me home. The only issues on the trip home  was 
> an idle that
> was unstable. It would rise and fall from 400 to ~ 1300. It  never 
> died but
> came very close. Unfortunately, I was unable to establish if it  was 
> lack of
> fuel or spark.
> I will try tomorrow to check for codes, but wandered if anyone has had
> similar experience and can point to a list of usual suspects
> Dennis
> Denver
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