NAC-Fighting a ticket

John Lagnese jlagnese at
Fri Jul 6 18:12:01 EDT 2007

That's all it comes down to, he said and you don't matter! Even if he lies,
you really don't have too much hope other than to show up and hope that he
doesn't. The prosecutor will most likely offer you a deal to not go to
-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at] On
Behalf Of lgregf at
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 2:53 PM
To: Quattro at
Subject: NAC-Fighting a ticket

Looking for some help from the list as?I received a ticket for going through
a red light. Although it turned yellow once I entered the intersection, it
certainly did not become red.? Could not convince the cop and I intend to
fight the ticket.? Is this just a question of he-said, I said?? Anybody have
success fighting one of these?? Cop was about 200 feet (still need to
measure) away looking at the front of the car, which is part of my defense.?
I have never gone through a red light in my life.

Thanks and regards, Greg

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