re. Help ident. an engine

Ben Swann benswann at
Fri Jul 13 23:06:09 EDT 2007



That sounds like the WX from an Ur Quattro except for the KS.  I don't know if
the earlier 5000T used the dual oil filter setup.  The knock sensor makes it
sound like about a late '84 or '85 5000 TQ - I forget the engine code.




[Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 00:04:14 -0400

From: "Cody Forbes" <cody at>

Subject: Help ident. an engine

To: <quattro at>

Message-ID: <003d01c7c502$e4a4a3b0$6601a8c0 at nuvolari>

Content-Type: text/plain;     charset="iso-8859-1"


Hey guys, I've got an easy one for you. I was given an engine a while ago that
I kept as a spare, and I'd like to figure out what exactly it is.


It's an earlier turbo engine, that much I know for sure. It looks *basically*
like the MC-1 I know and love, but being an earlier one it's got the dual oil
filter setup and the dual throttle switch setup. It does have a knock sensor,
which I thought was introduced with the MC's, but I guess I'm wrong. Doesn't
have the turbo on it, so no help there. It's got an oil cooler with it (lines
are still attached) that is a VW type-4 oil coler with an adaptor plate to
allow it to have the lines screw onto it. It's laying dipstick side down so I
can't get the code without much backache.


How simmilar is it to an MC-1, especially the block and cylinder head


-Cody Forbes <> 

'87 5ktq - Fast.

'86 5ktqCD

'86 5k

'86 5k]

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