[Biturbos4] Hesitation...Check OBD light

Grant Lenahan glenahan at vfemail.net
Sun Jul 22 23:02:39 EDT 2007

Manual or auto tranny?

e-gas (fly by wire)?
02 sensor?

Get a code reader!

On Jul 22, 2007, at 5:05 PM, Jason Cavaliere wrote:

> Hello everyone.
> My wife and I just got back from a 250 mile road trip, and at the very 
> end,
> the check OBD light went on.  On the trip, I had been noticing the car
> hesitating (feeling like power was going 'on' and 'off) around 4k rpm, 
> only
> under very light load.  Light load meaning keeping a constant speed up 
> a
> small incline.  It felt like I was taking my foot on and off the gas 
> pedal.
> I don't know if the two symptoms are related, and I remember this 
> hesitation
> before this road trip.  I remember it after I put an OCT chip in the 
> car,
> but I faintly recall it before the chip (I only drove the car a few 
> hundred
> miles before I chipped it).
> Also, I've noticed some belt noise towards the front of the car, 
> louder when
> the car is cold, but still present when car is warm. The car has 58k 
> miles,
> milltek exhaust, K&N filter, and OCT chip.
> Any ideas? Been there done that?
> I'd love to be able to check the OBD codes myself...
> Jason
> 00 S4
> 81 911
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