brake pad wear indicator connector

Jim Haseltine jim_haseltine at
Sun Jul 29 15:13:47 EDT 2007

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kent McLean" <kentmclean at>

> Assuming that that is the correct connector (and please let me know if
> I am wrong), how the heck to you get it apart?  I have tried twisting
> the two pieces, pushing and turning, and just pulling, but it doesn't
> budge. I'd like to get it apart without trashing it.

See the small square hole? There's another on the other side. There are a 
couple of lugs on the insert which lock into the holes. What you have to do 
is sort of 'rock' the inserted part of the plug from side to side (in line 
with the holes) while you pull. It's difficult to explain but basically it's 
to slightly stretch the sleeve of the outer part of the plug so that one of 
the lugs is released then rocking in the other direction to release the 

When you've mastered the technique it's dead simple.


Jim Haseltine

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