90q20v Starting/Idle problem

Kent McLean kentmclean at comcast.net
Sat Jun 16 11:53:44 EDT 2007

Thomas Edwards wrote:
> Now when I start the car it either dies
> immediately or comes very close, but then the idle comes up to normal and
> stays there.  It runs just as well as it did before, but when it drops down
> to idle from a higher speed, it dives very low and comes back up, maybe
> another small dip or two but levels out at normal rpms within a couple
> seconds and will continue to idle just fine.  It does this at every stop.

First thing I'd check is the ISV:

Kent McLean
'91 200 TQA #1, for sale
'91 200 TQA #2, no name yet
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy", up in smoke

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