Disable motion alarm...

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Sun Mar 4 15:20:47 EST 2007

had a 97 passat tdi 110 wagon.
"locking" the car twice in quick succession would disable the alarm
i had no internal sensors though.
this worked with the key in the door and with the remote. when the
driver's side rear "door closed" micro switch in the door lock mech
failed we had to disable the alarm every time so i know that it works.
i only mention that cos you have the same lock mechs. My wife's cousins
97 passat had the same problem......

my old man's 98 A4 has a square push button switch behind the driver's
side (SO RIGHT HAND SIDE - GOD SAVE THE QUEEN) seatbelt about 3 inches
up the b post that does as Ti described.
he uses this when his dog is in the car

Have you looked at the manual?


Ti Kan wrote:
> Tyson Varosyan writes:
>> The car is my new 98 A4Q 2.8. The factory alarm is giving me a bit of a
>> headache. I travel a lot with my small dog who gets left in the car pretty
>> often. The car seems to have some internal motion sensor which he sets off
>> when he runs around in there after I leave. I remember on my '05 there was a
>> switch in the door to turn that off - how do I turn it off on this car?
>> Also, is there a way to lock the car without setting the alarm at all? And
>> is there an alarm armed indicator - a light or something somewhere? I don't
>> see anything.
> Look at the lower B-pillar internal trim, there should be a switch there.
> After you open your door to leave the car, press this button once before
> closing the door and arming the alarm.  This will disable the interior
> motion sensor.
> -Ti
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