p/n info

Ado Sigal a.sigal at bluewin.ch
Wed Mar 28 08:46:37 EDT 2007

Not sure, but think that those letters could mean the position for 
circlip that holds the CV.


Henry A Harper III wrote:

>>Has anyone compiled a listing of what the letters at the end of part
>>numbers mean?
>>In particular the part number for an outer cv joint is 443 498 099  BX
>>								and
>>   443 498 099  BV
>>				The part number for an axle
>>443 407 271 AT
>>  443 407 272 AK
>I don't know what the AT and AK mean, but I remember from long ago that "X"
>on the end indicates "exchange" (as in, there's a core charge excluded from
>listed price) and "V" is "verkaufen" or "outright purchase".
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