Audi 4000 Rally Mod - need your advice

Kevin Hoff kwhoff at
Fri Mar 30 10:35:28 EDT 2007

Another good option that I've heard of people doing is adapting an
insert for a different car (Subaru is a common choice, probably
because of the availability of rally parts) into the stock housing.
This of course requires someone with good fabrication skills but you
get to choose your strut and top mount.  I've seen pictures of a mount
where someone adapted a Subaru group-n top mount to a 4kq during the
cage install - they cut out the original top mount and put in a thick
flat plate to match the Subaru top mount.  The nice thing is that in
the process you can intentionally introduce a bit more camber and
caster as desired.

I'm at work so can't search around but I seem to recall seeing the
pics of the adapted mounts on special stage.

--Kevin H.

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