Dan Neil does the S8

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Wed May 2 16:16:49 EDT 2007

Yes, a wonderful and entertaining review of the audio system in the
car.  But what of the car, other than the most basic of specs?


On 5/2/07, john at westcoastgarage.net <john at westcoastgarage.net> wrote:
> The LA Times' Pulitzer winning automotive columnist (the ONLY such guy)
> does the S8 this week.  Many of us have been following his work since he
> last visited an Audi product.  Always interesting, always good reading.
> Enjoy!  John
> http://www.latimes.com/classified/automotive/highway1/la-hy-neil2may02,0,3863527.story?coll=la-class-autos-highway1
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