Bent R28 wheels. Was Fed up.

CL Wong montesawong at
Sat May 5 15:23:16 EDT 2007

My 6 17" Ronal R28 wheels are also all bent. Repair is
about 75% of the cost of replacement R28s...damn, not
worth the bother. Fortunately none are bent as bad as

Judging from my experience and evidently alot of
other's with Ronal R28s, I have no plans on throwing
more money to a company that makes such heavy, soft

Since I sold my OEM wheels years ago when I upgraded
to BIRA sys2 - UFO, I don't have any wheels to fall
back on.  It's time to get new tires for my 200q20v
(which I'm still waffling on selling, but at least
when I decide, it will be on my timeline and not the
wife's.... huh!)

Edgeracing has reasonably priced and decent weight
Flik wheels but I have no information on whether
they'll fit over my brakes or how prone they are to
bending. Not going to worry about 8" widths vs 8.5"

anyone have any info on Flik wheels?

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