gti mileage

Robert Myers bob at
Sun May 6 19:43:34 EDT 2007

Isn't all that sort of anal?  I don't get it.  Why all the bother?

At 07:41 PM 5/6/2007, Dan DiBiase wrote:
>*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
>Huw Powell <audi at> wrote:
> > How did you guys get those graphs? I guess you have to record 
> that info every
> > time you fill up?
>Yes - gallons (or liters) and miles (km) since the last fillup, or the
>odometer reading.
>I write it in my checkbook, or one could write the miles on a pump
>receipt if paying with plastic.  Then you put the data in a spreadsheet,
>most will generate graphs these days.
>I have a second line, for the cumulative average.
>What's worse, is that I do the same thing for my heating oil consumption
>and when things flower in my garden...
>I keep a notebook in my car, and my wife and older son are 'trained' 
>to record the data.............. Every couple of months, I record 
>the data on the Excel spreadsheet.
>Dan D, professional anal-retentive
>'04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
>Central NJ USA
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