Type-44 cruise control connecting rod

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Mon May 7 11:47:08 EDT 2007

there is a horror story about the rod in the Knowledge Base
the solution was to use a chain instead of the rod.
the throttle spring should keep the chain tight

in short, you could forget about the bush and use a bit of string instead


Ameer Antar wrote:
> Ya, that's it. That's why this list is so awesome. You guys know more than
> parts people. Thanks a lot.
> -Ameer 
> -------------------- Original Message --------------------
> From: Kneale Brownson [knealeski at sbcglobal.net]
> To: Ameer Antar [antar at comcast.net], Quattro List [quattro at audifans.com]
> Date: 5/6/07 2:42:31 PM
> Subject: Re: Type-44 cruise control connecting rod
> The cruise control bushing is NOT available as a Type 44 separate part, but
> IS available as a V8 part.  The number is 811 907 423.
> Ameer Antar wrote:I'm trying to fix my cruise control system, but the rubber
> bushing on the
> connecting rod is rotted out. I've even put in a used one in decent shape,
> the same thing happened to it. I guess it's just to hot under the hood above
> the turbo. The dealer doesn't sell it apart from the entire rod, and that's
> about $100. Has anyone out there found a good fix for the rotting rubber
> bushing? TIA.
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