Allroad airbag suspension nightmare and twin turbo problems???

JordanVw at JordanVw at
Tue May 8 11:33:08 EDT 2007

so im still looking for a VAG wagon with auto trans and performance.. not 
easy to find..

the Allroads w/ 2.7twin turbo, made '01 to '04 seemed like they would fit the 
bill.. until i started checking into them..  most are still up there in cost 
- $10-$15k for even '01's...and being that they're almost 7 years old now, 
alot of them which were daily commuter cars are seeing high miles- around 100k..
anyway, i have test driven a few..   one with 115k.. it was a '01.   the car 
was sitting askew when i looked at it.. the airbad suspension had bled down..  
reminded me of old late '80's early '90's Lincoln Mark IV's that were sitting 
"in the weeds" because of a blown airbag suspension..    
talked to a few independant VAG repair shops about it.. the suspension was 
exclusive only to the allroads... and nobody makes allroad suspension 
aftermarket repair parts, shocks etc..  you have to buy them from the dealer...  and 
then the twin turbos are known to be a weak point too..  coking up at higher 
mileage or because of failed regular oil changes..  and to replace the turbos, you 
have to drop the whole quattro front suspension..
with this all in mind, its seeming more like by the time they are going to be 
affordable,  they are going to need $$$ in costly repairs and dealer only 

anyone else have some info they can add about allroad repair colsts and 
reliability?   id love to hear from HIGHER MILEAGE allroad owners only..


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