My Allroad take...

cody at cody at
Wed May 9 12:23:35 EDT 2007

Sorry for not keeping this in the other thread, but I'm at work and  
don't have any of those messages availible to reply to.

I've always liked the Allroad on paper, but I've never been able to  
spend much time with one. Well I just finished doing a big job on one  
- timing belt, water pump, cam seals, and cam adjuster seals. The job  
is a PITA with lots of really dumb engineering issues. For example  
(one of many) in order to remove the passenger side cam cover you must  
remove the EGR/Combi valve because the vacuum connection overlaps the  
edge of the valve cover by about 5mm. If the vacuum connection was at  
a 90 degree angle, or even if it was just 5mm shorter, you would not  
need to pull the combi valve.

I've done about 15 V6 audi timing belts in my life, but this was the  
first 2.7tt, and I'll have to say that the job is certainly alot  
trickier and a good bit of time is added. Because it was my first I  
really took my time on it and definately lost money from my commission  
check because of how long this job took. I was a little annoyed at the  
car for a few headaches it caused, but once it was finished all that  
was needed for forgiveness was sitting in the seat while the air  
suspension leveled out.

After taking it for a good drive to get the air out of the cooling  
system (the bleed screw only does half the job) I'm totally in love.  
This particular car is black with black leather (my favorite). It  
rides good, is super comfy, and I love the cobntrols. The engine is  
great, and my boss has an MTM chipped 2.7tt (faster then his RS2 level  
urS4) A6 so I've felt the potential too. It showed 21mpg on the  
average display FWIW.

Bottom line: If I could I would make this cars owner an offer when she  
comes to pick it up, even if it still needed a T-belt and I had to do  
it myself.

-Cody Forbes

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