All This Talk About Allroad, S4, A6 etc...
Grant Lenahan
glenahan at
Thu May 10 18:24:16 EDT 2007
Reputation for high repair costs....
no personal experience.
Some tranny failures.
On May 10, 2007, at 10:30 AM, mkb wrote:
> Made me start thinking. I'm probably coming up for an upgrade to my
> trusty old A4 18tqa. Got about 135K miles on it now and I'll probably
> pass it along to my daughter in about six months when she gets ready
> to drive which means that I should start looking for something for
> myself.
> So I flip over to just to check out some prices. To my
> pleasent surprise I'm seeing quite a few A8's in the 90K to 110K
> mileage range with price tags in the mid to upper $7k from 1997 to
> 1998. Not bad for a luxo barge with a 300HP V8, fulltime AWD that
> cost close to $70k new. Heck, I could buy a good example on CC and
> still have change left over for t-belt and transmission service
> parts.
> If you compare the price of a used A6 to that of an A8 around the same
> years, they are fairly close. So, why not buy an A8?
> Anyway, that's the plan. Lets see if it pans out.
> --
> mohammed
> 97 a4 18tqa
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