80q ECU grounds

TooManyAudis at aol.com TooManyAudis at aol.com
Sat May 12 13:57:22 EDT 2007

I believe the code was 4444 followed by 1111.  Strange in that I  believe it 
gave the "all clear" before the FICU code was indicated.
I'll check that out later today.
-- Tom

>  1988 80q with over 250k miles.  I'm getting an intermittent Check   Engine 
> Light telling me that my ECU is dead.  No drop off in  performance or  
> drop off in mileage (I suppose I  could check actual mileage figures  if I 
> one of them working  odometers...).

I'd expect some noticeable problems if your ecu was  really dead. 
Although, an intermittent ground, esp. when warm, may not be  so obvious.

The "ECU is dead" part, did that come from a  code?

> Anyway, I'd like to check and clean the grounds this  weekend.  What's  the 
> best place to start for the ECU  grounds?  Any other places to check /  

There should be  a couple of brown wires terminating in o-rings on a stud 
on the intake  manifold.

Huw  Powell




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