A6Q Electrical Gremlins

Liben Audi libenaudi at gmail.com
Mon May 14 10:28:16 EDT 2007

Looks like the all-too-common short in the seat. Wiring to the rear footwell
light shorts against the lumbar support in the front seats. I had the same
issue with my 2001 A6 2.7 MT6, I disconnected the rear footwell lights from
under the drivers seat and so far so good, 6 months with no more shorts.


This link shows how the connectors look like under the seat.

On 5/12/07, jwaterstreet at tds.net <jwaterstreet at tds.net> wrote:
> Wife's 2001 A6Q with 2.7T started blowing the S14 (10A) fuse, which knocks
> out interior lights, power windows won't work, alarm horn won't beep.  You
> know when the fuse blows as the dash displays three doors open (all except
> the driver's door).
> I have the Bentley wiring diagram, have inserted test fuses in series with
> the red/blue wire going into the Control Module for central locking. (it
> blows at this point indicating the problem is either in the module or
> downstream).  Yesterday I put a fuse in series with the wire coming out of
> the module that goes to the lighting system.  It still blows the fuse going
> into the module.  I haven't tried any other wires yet.
> I beginning to suspect the Control Module is toast.  Anyone else heard of
> this problem?  Anyone have a source for the module besides full price at the
> dealer?  I understand I will need to program it with VAG-COM or equivalent.
> Thanks,  Jeff
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