Fuel Line Replacement for 200q20v

aaron... jungle at hickorytech.net
Mon May 21 15:32:13 EDT 2007

why not spray on some Rustoleum then a coat of rubberized undercoating?  
it might buy your some time.  Not to sound cynical here but, i have a 
feeling that the replacement fuel lines might out last some of the cars 
they are being installed into.

Kneale Brownson wrote:
> I've basically come to the same conclusion and opted for the "standard" lines.  Coated versions with some plastic that looked like it would chip off with the first trip down a gravel road was half again as expensive.  And stainless, the only true noncorroding option, would be several times the price.
>   Thanks to all who responded.
> Kurt Deschler <desch at alum.wpi.edu> wrote:
> You will spend more time, money, and effort installing fancy lines than 
> replacing the lines twice with the 5/16" steel line and compression 
> fittings. Also, the fuel lines will be the least of your concerns when 
> these cars are 25-30 yrs old and they go again.
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Aaron J. Jongbloedt
Sabis Educational Systems Network Administrator
It is better to wear out than it is to rust out.

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