Coupe Quattro Stereo Wiring

Ben Swann benswann at
Wed May 23 22:01:23 EDT 2007

This is all fine and good, but I just need a suitable/accessible place to run
the wire through, hopefully ehind the glove, but not seeing it.  However, I
question that the fusebox connector is insufficient - these are made to take
some serious amperage - bussbar inside the box - I'm talking about the larger
connectors, not the little ones.  They run 8 and 10 guage off these to other
load devices in the car.


I do agree that a direct connect is better and no I won't forget the fuse -
come on guys, I have installed a lot of stereos and high powered devices, but
good to make sure these don't get overlooked.  What I'm looking for is a
wiring grommet that I can pass the wire through - It may be an 8 guage -
Monster cable that is made to do this job.


I'm not looking to do the battery relo. at this time, but I may just run the
00 wire to location and branch off that - providing I can find a point that
doesn't require me to tear things up - that can all wait 'til I install the





From: Taka Mizutani [mailto:t44tqtro at] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 7:06 PM
To: John S. Lagnese
Cc: Ben Swann; s-car-list at; quattro at
Subject: Re: Coupe Quattro Stereo Wiring


Yes, forgot to mention to fuse the connection- one of those nice inline fuses
in a clear holder works quite well.

Make sure you remove all the paint around a ground bolt to ensure a good

Depending on how hot the particular amp runs, you can hide it behind a trim
panel or under a seat, but you have to make sure it doesn't overheat. 


On 5/23/07, John S. Lagnese <jlagnese at> wrote:

I concur, only tap the battery. Be sure to fuse the system at the battery!!
The ground wire should also be to a clear ground, the seat belt bolt is
usually very effective.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Taka Mizutani" < t44tqtro at>
To: "Ben Swann" <benswann at>
Cc: <s-car-list at  <mailto:s-car-list at> >;
<quattro at>
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: Coupe Quattro Stereo Wiring

> Ben-
> I strongly recommend that you do not tap power for a power amp from 
> anywhere
> but the battery.
> 10 gauge is too small- you want a minimum 8 gauge, as thick as you can
> manage- less resistance for the run.
> I'm assuming that this is a _real_ amp, with decent current capability. 
> 5 channel car amp is most likely 4 channel + subwoofer, not center
> channel-
> are you sure about that?
> Taka
> On 5/23/07, Ben Swann < <mailto:benswann at>  benswann at>
>> I am adding a power AMP to my '90 Coupe Quattro and the amp will need
>> fair
>> size + wire (10 Guage is what I am installing) to the battery.  Battery 
>> will
>> ultimately be moved to the trunk for AAN engine install, but for now
>> would
>> like to route to existing battery, but not good access through the
>> firewall.
>> When I install the battery in the trunk I will need to run a #2 or 0 wire
>> somehow, but this will be easier to do when the engine is out.
>> So wondering if any other good places to tap into with the #10 wire - 
>> fuse
>> box
>> is easy to get to, but did not see a spare connector, but may be there if
>> I
>> pull the box out.  I know on some other cars there is usually one spare
>> large
>> spade connector good for 40 AMP.
>> Or is there a good place to route through tre firewall that I am not
>> seeing,
>> and can get too without too much trouble.  Any BTDT? 
>> The AMP will likely go in the trunk with the Subwoofer, as there is not
>> good
>> room under the seat(would be nice) and even if I made a cutout, the
>> cooling is
>> not good under the seat.  Any hidden areas behind panels?  Amp is about
>> 9"
>> X
>> 12" Kenwood with Front, Rear and Center channels.
>> TIA
>> Ben
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