12v-V6 codes and engine check light

Tess McMillan tessmc at drizzle.com
Fri May 25 16:50:43 EDT 2007

OK, so I'm never the one to have an answer when all the smart guys are 
around, but I'll mention one thing from out of the blue...

Since all this gas "fiasco" has been happening in the US, it seems like 
around here the gas has been going bad. I mean, I think the gas is often 
getting stirred up with sediment from the bottoms of the holding tanks. I 
have a theory that gas stations are waiting longer to get refueled, so 
there's more stirring. In my case, whatever the cause, I've been having 
trouble with my fuel filter getting clogged. Finally just had it 
replaced. Now whenever I get gas at one of the stations on my 
"suspicious" list, I notice that I get fluttering check engine light for 
about a day, seems like I'm too lean, and then it goes away. When I get 
gas from the "non-suspicious" gas station I use, I don't have a check 
engine light issue and no runability issues.

I just find that interesting....

Just thought I'd stir the pot &:-)

in Bellevue, WA USA

- snip -

> Just kinda tired of the check light and I would like to get it 
to stop coming on without taking the bulb out :P
> Thanks!
> Rob Beatty

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