Blau Product Selection Reduction?

Kneale Brownson knealeski at
Sun May 27 14:03:06 EDT 2007

I think Blau wants you to call to ask about parts not listed--note that they don't have a toll-free number for information.  They do have some parts yet for older models.  But the selection appears to be limited.  They've almost always been overpriced compared to other internet sellers, but the tool rentals could make up for that if you needed those. I just checked and it appears they don't carry any radiators.  I looked for our 4kq, 200q20v and V8 and found only radiator hoses, and mostly in kits like almost $500 for V8 hoses.
  Did you Google on the cats?  I've seen folks here recommend something like, but no BTDT for me.

George Butler <george.butler2 at> wrote:
  Hello all,

I hope that our domestic listers are enjoying the holiday weekend. (and that
everyone else is just enjoying the weekend in general.)

In a discussion over a few cocktails last evening, I recommended
Blaufergnugen as a resource for finding a radiator for a 94 Cabriolet. This
morning, out of curiosity, I decided to go to the Blau website and see what
the radiator for the Cabriolet was going for.and was surprised to find that
Blau didn't carry it! So much for my credibility (I had ordered and
received two radiators from them over the past few years and have been very
pleased with their product lines and customer service.although they are a
little pricey (and their tool rental return charge crediting period is
unnecessarily and unconscionably slow.) I also decided to order a catalytic
converter for my 84 4ksq.which they also do not carry now. Does anyone know
what's happening with them? Their new web page format is significantly
cleaner than the old one.but the available product scope seems to have
diminished significantly.

Also, can anyone recommend a good source for my cat? Apparently and are not highly recommended
on the net. I'd appreciate any recommendations relative to more
comprehensive selection sources. Thanks.


George B.

84 4ksq

88 5ksq


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