Another fun turn gets straightened.

Wayne Reser popflyz at
Thu May 31 13:33:29 EDT 2007

  The former fun turns are just south of Dayton, OH in the suburban community of Springboro. It's half bedroom community and half rural with a LOT of development.  I suppose the other justification for the project was safety although in good weather, there never seemed to be a problem.  Althought, when the pavement was icey it would get kinda interesting in a time my wife spun the red coupe there and "parked" on the inside of the first turn.  That was good for a couple extra point on her blood pressure!

"Mark J. Besso" <mbspeed at> wrote:
  Where is (was?) this fun set of turns?  Why are they being straightened?
  On Wed, 30 May 2007 21:37:33 -0700 (PDT) Wayne Reser 
> It was bound to happen, but it still depresses me 
>to see the heavy equipment tearing-up the only 
>S-turn (90* x 2) close to my neighborhood. 
> It was best approached from the north where you 
>had a good view of the entire turn and about 1/8th 
>of a mile of roadway that followed it. The first 90 
>degrees was a hard right with a banked pavement. To 
>the inside was a slight swale for drainage and a few 
>shrubs and trees behind. Across the road, where 
>inertia wanted you to go, was nothing but flat 
>ground and grass. Signage called for 20 mph but my 
>red Coupe liked it better close to 50. What a 
> carry the road's normal limit right 
>through the turn without even making the tires 
>squeal! The next 90* turn was a flat sweeper in 
>comparison. Despite this, it was more confined due 
>to a guard rail and a tree and therefore wasn't 
>nearly as fast or fun. 
> Coming back the other way was still enjoyable but 
>only about 80% as thrilling. 
> I will miss that turn. 
> Not only because of the fun factor, but because I 
>wanted to use it and my Coupe to recreate an Audi 
>promotional picture taken of a red 86 Coupe on a 
>nearly identical turn. 
> The search for a new turn begins! 
> Wayne 
> 87 Coupe GT SB Tornado Red 
> 87 Coupe GT SB Anthracite Black 
> 86 Coupe GT CE Graphite 

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