Extreme Rant Warning - Last gasp

Wayne Reser popflyz at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 5 20:42:24 PST 2007

    Dave is correct when he said there was no deposit so legally, there was no contract but ...  

    I was set to travel from Dayton,  Ohio to arrive in Baltimore on Oct 27 to pick-up the car however, Dave told me on the 26th that he didn’t get the chance to retrieve the miscellaneous parts that went with it. The weekend of Nov. 3rd was bad because of my father’s 80th birthday and Dave indicated that it was just as well since it was his birthday weekend, too.  That left Nov 10. He said that he could pick me up at the bus station.  I said I would call with arrival times.  I confirmed that a cashier’s check was acceptable.  He said that the car would be ready with a back seat full of stuff.  I emailed him a birthday greeting on Nov 2nd and he replied by telling me the car was sold on Nov. 1st. 

    Draw your own conclusion. 

    I apologize again for subjecting Listers to this sad little soap opera and this will be my last word on the subject.  I realized too late that I may have opened Pandora’s Box when I launched my original rant.  Had my son not been in the equation, I probably wouldn’t have made a fuss. 

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