'88 90q ABS Weirdness

Rennkafer at aol.com Rennkafer at aol.com
Thu Nov 8 19:25:36 PST 2007

========Original  Message========     Subj: quattro Digest, Vol 49, Issue 11  
Date: 11/08/2007 11:59:46 AM Pacific Standard Time  From: 
_quattro-request at audifans.com_ (mailto:quattro-request at audifans.com)   To: _quattro at audifans.com_ 
(mailto:quattro at audifans.com)   Sent on:     

I just went through this on my own '88 90Q when I redid  all the suspension.  
I had pretty much the exact symptoms you descibe  though my ABS light would 
come on in a block or two and if I reset using the ABS  switch, would come back 
on again after the same couple blocks.  It  finally went away when I first 
cleaned the sensor tips, then used the  new sacrificial caps.  I did push them 
in fairly tightly (and held them  tight) when cinching up the bolts that hold 
them.  My understanding is  they're pretty finicky.  Been a couple weeks now 
with no issues at  all.
Maybe clean them and push them in a little more/harder?   Look and see if 
there's gunk/grease/road goo on the sensor wheel and clean  it too?
Bill J

Message: 4
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2007 09:18:35 -0800 (PST)
From: Bob  Gregory <rggpa1 at yahoo.com>
Subject: '88 90q ABS Weirdness
To:  Quattro list <quattro at audifans.com>
Message-ID:  <551791.12383.qm at web43140.mail.sp1.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset=us-ascii

Rear sensors moved during strut change, reinstalled  using OEM sacrificial 
nylon caps.  At "OEM"-depth, ABS light comes on after  driving for a while, or 
never comes on at all.  If it comes on, I can turn  it off by depressing the 
dash switch twice.  At slow stops on dry pavement,  ABS clearly pumping away and 
lightly pulsing pedal.  Many others have  suggested that sensors are just out 
of adjustment.  I have been moving them  in and out with no positive success, 
altho I can make it worse (i.e., light on  all the time).

Are the sensors damaged, relay funky, ABS computer funky,  etc...?  I handled 
the sensors gently when dealing with the struts, and  cleaned them before 
putting them back.  The ABS worked fine  before.

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Message: 5
Date: Thu, 8 Nov  2007 10:46:15 -0700
From: "Ed Kellock" <ekellock at gmail.com>
Subject:  Re: '88 90q ABS Weirdness
To: "Bob Gregory" <rggpa1 at yahoo.com>
Cc:  Quattro list <quattro at audifans.com>
<ce8c96690711080946i79e00672pade44a42ccc96fb4 at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type:  text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

What about a purely coincidental and  unrelated issue with the front  sensors?


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