AudiFans Wiki

Kneale Brownson knealeski at
Fri Nov 16 13:38:29 PST 2007

I'd sure favor establishing one that's not dependant upon someone else's losing or gaining interest.  That being my case, I'd say there's no reason to wait for someone who obviously isn't paying attention anyway to pick up the ball that got dropped so long ago.  I also agree that a generic free--or low fee-- service would be preferable to having the same circumstance reoccur.  It would be really nice, however, if there were some way to "mirror" the website or have a saveable data base so it wouldn't have to be rebuilt yet again in the future.

Scott Phillips <Scottp at> wrote:  Generic question to the "list": 

There has been a lot of grumbling around about the loss of the Audifans
Knowledgebase, and attempting to get its return to service. As I used
that resource and as new owners would I'm sure like to have access to
it, it was mentioned at recreating it. I put forward that I would be
willing to "host" site a site another listed put forward that we could
use one of the many free TWiki's already out there. 

SO The questions are:

1. Do we wait to see if / when the knowledgebase will return (or
hear from AudiFans staff on it's eventual direction)

2. Act on our own, register a generic "Audi" type domain name and
use a free service to host our encyclopedia of troubleshooting

3. Act o our own , register a generic domain and have a lister
"host" it. 

I personally like the using a service, that way should there be a
problem with the server blah blah blah no lister is made out to be the
bad guy. (I'm also open to hosting is as I already offered on the V8
List). Do you think that we can come to an agreement in this email
format or would be best served on a board as a thread somewhere? (As
then no cross posting would need to happen). 

By using a Wiki the information it contains becomes user (any user)
maintained and updateable and everyone could work at restoring, maintain
and continuing the development of the knowledgebase. The old
knowledgebase can still be accessed in the Internet Archive Pages here:*/

So anyone can pull the information that they're interested in from those
pages and add it to a similar Wiki page within the new site. 

I'll take on getting the domain registered and Wiki setup, if that's
what the list wants. 


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