AudiFans Wiki

Ed Kellock ekellock at
Fri Nov 16 22:08:56 PST 2007

Honestly, much of this is weighted with people who understand that the list,
and the wiki by extension, is not anyone's primary vocation, so I'd suggest
that some have chosen to be less assertive in the pursuit of the restoration
of the wiki, with the mindset that it will get sorted out in due time.

I am aware of Dan's situation and have great empathy for it.  I have
volunteered in the past to assist and hereby volunteer again.

The overt discussion of the last day or two is merely the natural escalation
of the level of awareness of the absence...  I, for one, am pleased to see
that there is still an equal interest by you and Dan.  

But... WHY must you _always_ be so alienatingly confrontational?!!  It's no
wonder people are motivated to assume a negative, disinterested perspective.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-bounces at 
> [mailto:quattro-bounces at] On Behalf Of Brett Dikeman
> Sent: Friday, November 16, 2007 10:35 PM
> To: Scott Phillips
> Cc: quattro at
> Subject: Re: AudiFans Wiki
> On Nov 16, 2007, at 3:31 PM, Scott Phillips wrote:
> > There has been a lot of grumbling around about the loss of the
> > Audifans
> > Knowledgebase, and attempting to get its return to service.
> This isn't exactly the first I've heard of it, but I haven't heard  
> much about the Wiki.  Has anyone who grumbled emailed Dan or 
> myself to  
> indicate interest, or volunteer their time?  I tried to get 
> volunteers  
> to help go through the articles when it was first taken down, 
> and only  
> Huw and maybe 1-2 other people volunteered.  Granted, I dropped the  
> ball...but I also never heard anything further in terms of 
> complaints  
> or questions.
> So! I'm officially saying "put your money where you mouth is" 
> :-)  If  
> you want to volunteer your time to clean up existing articles, help  
> separate the good stuff from the spam that was injected,  and  
> contribute new content...or learn how to do all that...sign up for  
> this mailing list:
> ..and we'll get this jump-started again.  I agree, the wiki needs to  
> come back, and I had already decided on MW even before the wiki got  
> hit with spam...I just had a lot of trouble convincing people to do  
> the conversion.
> Given that there seems to be substantial renewed interest this time,  
> I'll set up MediaWiki this weekend.  I can't promise I will get it  
> finished this evening, but probably by Sunday lunchtime-ish?
> Going through the existing content (which was saved) may not be so  
> easy.  The problem is that someone used a bot to fill the 
> wiki full of  
> crap pages, all of them with X-rated words in the article titles  
> (which, actually, come to think of it, will make zapping the 
> bad ones  
> pretty easy.  That'll make for some amusing search strings.)  Still,  
> let's discuss on the wiki list I just set up.
> Brett
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