puzzling coolant light in '88 80Q

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Sun Nov 18 11:23:39 PST 2007

Loose connection to the antifreeze coolant level sensor in the overflow
tank. Or a broken wire(s).
Try starting the car and start jiggling wires around and under the overflow


On 11/18/07, Tess McMillan <tessmc at eskimo.com> wrote:
> A couple of mornings ago I was heading into Seattle, car just warming up,
> and the coolant light started blinking. The temperature gauge was about
> normal. I turned the heater on full blast and headed over to my mechanic,
> thinking I had a bad thermostat (since a similar incident happened about
> 18 months ago.) A few blocks before I got to his shop, the light went off.
> We let the car stand idling for a while. Even so, everything looked
> normal under the hood, with no blinky-blinky light. We took the radiator
> cover off, inspected everything, and probed with a temperature probe.
> Everything was normal. I ordered a new thermostat and fan switch, just in
> case, and nothing more happened for the rest of the day.
> Yesterday I had to go back into Seattle. Got all the way over to my mom's
> house without incident. On getting in the car and starting it again, the
> coolant light went on again. I had lots of errands, so I continued to run
> them, while driving with the heater fan on and windows open. I checked
> under the hood several times and everything continued to look ok. Nothing
> boiling, bulging, smoking, or stinking. Coolant level OK.
> Any ideas what is going on?
> Thanks!
> Tess
> in Bellevue, WA USA
> '88 80Q -- apparently the "hot mama"
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