Window stuck in down position 95 90 sport q

Kneale Brownson knealeski at
Fri Oct 5 17:24:54 PDT 2007

Rarely a relay problem.  Usually a switch.  Unless this is the driver door window, in which case it's often broken wires in the doorjamb.

John Stanton <jjs3rd at> wrote:  Have had erratic window functionality going on a few months. Was quirky and
worked when car cooled down but now window is stuck in down position for
over a week. My guess is a burnt relay. But since my Bentley CD no longer
functions (previous post) I need some help diagnosing problem.

I assume this is a relay problem and that there is a relay for window
switches. What terminals do I need to jumper to confirm a defective relay
and which one is it?

Any BTDT would be helpful.

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