Window stuck in down position 95 90 sport q
Robert Myers
robert at
Thu Oct 18 15:17:09 PDT 2007
Just a hunch but check the ignition switch. Start the engine and
then just let the switch return to its rest position. Then check to
see what is or is not operating. If everything is working then fine,
leave it alone until the symptoms reappear then, very carefully and
slowly turn the key back toward the "off" position and, without
stopping the engine, see if the stuff not working begins working
again. If so, its time for a new switch. The inner plastic portion
of the electrical part of the switch will be broken and not returning
to the run position when released after startup. This keeps the load
reduction relay engaged and that, in turn, removes power from the
windows, the headlights, the radio, etc.
BTW, continuing to run with a broken ignition switch can lead to
killing your starter. Don't ask how I know this. I knew better but
my better half didn't.
At 07:03 PM 10/18/2007, John wrote:
>Want to thank everyone for their suggestions. As soon as responses began
>coming in the window decided to go up. The power of the group scared the
>window back up. Thats the good news! Bad news is it won't go down.
>Here is where I am
>1) Examined the wires in the door jam. The gasket is pristine and wires
>appear to be undamaged. Wiggled them while pushing switch, nothing.
>2) Removed drivers side switch examined for bad connections, nothing
>3) Swapped passenger switch to drivers side, nothing
>Some things that I may have not communicated. None of the windows were or
>are working including the sun roof. This is why I originally was thinking
>of a centralized problem. Are the window switches wired in series or
>I could not locate a window fuse. Not in the panel under the hood nor in
>the owners manual. Could it be that simple as the lost fuse? Is there and
>where is the window fuse?
>As always input and suggestions are welcome.
>P.S. Just hit a milestone this morning on way to work 200K!
>-----Original Message-----
>From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at] On
>Behalf Of John Stanton
>Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 8:05 PM
>To: quattro at
>Subject: Window stuck in down position 95 90 sport q
>Have had erratic window functionality going on a few months. Was quirky and
>worked when car cooled down but now window is stuck in down position for
>over a week. My guess is a burnt relay. But since my Bentley CD no longer
>functions (previous post) I need some help diagnosing problem.
>I assume this is a relay problem and that there is a relay for window
>switches. What terminals do I need to jumper to confirm a defective relay
>and which one is it?
>Any BTDT would be helpful.
>Thanks all,
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